Exploits | Remote exploitation


Java RMI - Server

This module takes advantage of the default configuration of the RMI Registry and RMI Activation services, which allow loading classes from any remote (HTTP) URL. As it invokes a method in the RMI Distributed Garbage Collector which is available via every RMI endpoint, it can be used against both rmiregistry and rmid, and against most other (custom) RMI endpoints as well. Note that it does not work against Java Management Extension (JMX) ports since those do not support remote class loading, unless another RMI endpoint is active in the same Java process. RMI method calls do not support or require any sort of authentication.

Icecast Header Overwrite

This module exploits a buffer overflow in the header parsing of icecast versions 2.0.1 and earlier, discovered by Luigi Auriemma. Sending 32 HTTP headers will cause a write one past the end of a pointer array. On win32 this happens to overwrite the saved instruction pointer, and on linux (depending on compiler, etc) this seems to generally overwrite nothing crucial (read not exploitable). This exploit uses ExitThread(), this will leave icecast thinking the thread is still in use, and the thread counter won't be decremented. This means for each time your payload exits, the counter will be left incremented, and eventually the threadpool limit will be maxed. So you can multihit, but only till you fill the threadpool.

MS17-010 EternalBlue 

This module is a port of the Equation Group ETERNALBLUE exploit, part of the FuzzBunch toolkit released by Shadow Brokers. There is a buffer overflow memmove operation in Srv!SrvOs2FeaToNt. The size is calculated in Srv!SrvOs2FeaListSizeToNt, with mathematical error where a DWORD is subtracted into a WORD. The kernel pool is groomed so that overflow is well laid-out to overwite an SMBv1 buffer. Actual RIP hijack is later completed in srvnet!SrvNetWskReceiveComplete. This exploit, like the original may not trigger 100% of the time, and should be run continuously until triggered. It seems like the pool will get hot streaks and need a cool down period before the shells rain in again. The module will attempt to use Anonymous login, by default, to authenticate to perform the exploit. If the user supplies credentials in the SMBUser, SMBPass, and SMBDomain options it will use those instead. On some systems, this module may cause system instability and crashes, such as a BSOD or a reboot. This may be more likely with some payloads.

VSFTPD v2.3.4 Backdoor Command Execution

This module exploits a malicious backdoor that was added to the VSFTPD download archive. This backdoor was introduced into the vsftpd-2.3.4.tar.gz archive between June 30th 2011 and July 1st 2011 according to the most recent information available. This backdoor was removed on July 3rd 2011.

Samba "username map script" Command Execution

This module exploits a command execution vulnerability in Samba versions 3.0.20 through 3.0.25rc3 when using the non-default "username map script" configuration option. By specifying a username containing shell meta characters, attackers can execute arbitrary commands. No authentication is needed to exploit this vulnerability since this option is used to map usernames prior to authentication!

PHP CGI Argument Injection

When run as a CGI, PHP up to version 5.3.12 and 5.4.2 is vulnerable to an argument injection vulnerability. This module takes advantage of the -d flag to set php.ini directives to achieve code execution. From the advisory: "if there is NO unescaped '=' in the query string, the string is split on '+' (encoded space) characters, urldecoded, passed to a function that escapes shell metacharacters (the "encoded in a system-defined manner" from the RFC) and then passes them to the CGI binary." This module can also be used to exploit the plesk 0day disclosed by kingcope and exploited in the wild on June 2013.

PostgreSQL for Linux Payload Execution

On some default Linux installations of PostgreSQL, the postgres service account may write to the /tmp directory, and may source UDF Shared Libraries from there as well, allowing execution of arbitrary code. This module compiles a Linux shared object file, uploads it to the target host via the UPDATE pg_largeobject method of binary injection, and creates a UDF (user defined function) from that shared object. Because the payload is run as the shared object's constructor, it does not need to conform to specific Postgres API versions.

DistCC Daemon Command Execution

This module uses a documented security weakness to execute arbitrary commands on any system running distccd.

Android ADB Debug Server Remote Payload Execution

Writes and spawns a native payload on an android device that is listening for adb debug messages.

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